Dry Needling is a technique for the treatment of pain and movement impairments. The technique uses a "dry needle", one without medication or injection, inserted through the skin into areas of the muscle.
Dry Needling is not acupuncture
Dry Needling is a part of modern western medicine principles and supported by research.
Dry Needling techniques involves using needles, to stimulate the body's own pain relief system, without using drugs. The first adaption of this modern neurophysiology wasn't until 1938, this adaption used the concept of acupuncture needles and applying sustained pressure on muscle to identify exquisite tender points (Trigger Points) and reproduce the patient's pain and ease them.
This process started as wet needling, injecting an analgesic. over the years it became clear that the pain relief was in fact dependent on the stimulation of the needle itself, and not on the substance administered (dry needling).
Today, health care professional are using Dry Needling to effectively and extensively throughout the world for the relief of pain and dysfunction.
Dry Needling is not acupuncture
Dry Needling is a part of modern western medicine principles and supported by research.
Dry Needling techniques involves using needles, to stimulate the body's own pain relief system, without using drugs. The first adaption of this modern neurophysiology wasn't until 1938, this adaption used the concept of acupuncture needles and applying sustained pressure on muscle to identify exquisite tender points (Trigger Points) and reproduce the patient's pain and ease them.
This process started as wet needling, injecting an analgesic. over the years it became clear that the pain relief was in fact dependent on the stimulation of the needle itself, and not on the substance administered (dry needling).
Today, health care professional are using Dry Needling to effectively and extensively throughout the world for the relief of pain and dysfunction.